Where do your campers come from?
Who are your campers?
- Consider:
- Are these demographics different for some weeks?
- Do your campers come back year after year?
How much can they spend?
- What is the average dollar amount spent per camper?
- Who is spending money in the store, and what are their ages?
Store Layout & Merchandizing
Store Flow
- What can you change to have better flow in your space?
- Where are your cash register and store entrance located?
Visibility & Displays
- What is the first thing you see when you walk in your store entrance?
- Do you display key items at eye level, and are you using the space above and below eye level?
- Have you created “departments” within the store by grouping like items together?
- Is there uniformity in your hangers and folded apparel?
Trending Merchandise
Where are you looking for inspiration?
Develop a Purchasing Plan
How much merchandise can fit in your store?
How to Markup the Product
What is your net cost?
- The cost to you of the merchandise.
What is the perceived value?
- When pricing, consider the perceived value of the item.
What are different pricing methods?
- Initial Markup (IMU)
- Keystone
Pricing 101
Basic Retailing Formulas
- Retail price = Cost of Goods + Markup
- Markup = Retail Price - Cost of Goods
- Cost of Goods = Retail Price - Markup
- Markup
- Cost of Goods (COG)
Stock to Sale Ratio
How much inventory should you buy?
- Things to consider:
When should you reorder?
- Watch inventory and sales records to place reorders 2 weeks out.
How do you keep from having a high volume of leftover stock?
- Consider going with a reorder method.
- Review the physical inventory from the previous season.
- Markdown any slow selling product within a season.
What are some important things to know about stocking and running a camp store?
Know your sell history so you do not over buy, we never want our camps to have left over inventory at the end of the year, we would rather them sell out and have to reorder. We encourage ordering lower quantities and then reordering so at the end of the summer you have very little inventory left and you do not have to roll it into next year. And know that your staff is the best way to market your camp store merchandise; campers want to be like the cool counselors, so seeing the swag on the counselors gives the campers a great visual of your products.
What should camps consider when ordering t-shirts?
Know your slots before starting the ordering process. What shirts are out of stock and have open to buy new. Look at your wall and see what is open. and example could be
Anything Camp Store Directors should know or think about?
Changing up the store layout; if you have a two week session, through the middle of the session move the merchandise around; it will look like you have new merchandise which might not have been noticed the first time campers came into the store. It gives you a second chance to move products.
Why should camps choose to work with 413 instead of other similar companies?
Customer service and design.....
- Customer service... We take pride in providing excellent customer service for our camps. We have on many occasions been told that our camps feel like they are the only camp we take care. Relationships are so important in our industry; the camps we serve are more than a client they are part of the 413 family.
- 413's job is to know camp store merchandise, it is who we are, camps are our number one focus. We research every year to make sure we produce catalogs with the current trending products and designs that are on the market to make sure campers go home with swag they will love and wear, and not put in the back of their closet.